Thursday 1 May 2014

New Zealand Citizens

Uniting together in Diversity

Now that we have established the issue of homeless people on Queen St what we need to focus on is how exactly we can help the homeless but more pointedly the importance of helping our fellow countrymen. We as New Zealanders are renowned for our diversity, which should not divide but unite us, including the homeless. We are all New Zealand citizens, single parts of a diverse whole. We should put aside our own prejudices instead of demeaning the value of these homeless human beings, these individuals in our society. We need to give thought to the possibility that any one of us in society could become homeless, to put ourselves in their postion. We need to be vigilant towards the "thousands of kiwi kids" who are homeless. These children should matter because they ultimately represent our future, the leaders of our future generation.

 What can we do as New Zealand citizens to help?

The issue of homelessness is clear. But what is being done about it? Currently, the Labour party has issued a cross party effort to try and end homelessness by 2020. This Labour article illustrates the idea that Parliament should pay attention to the homeless. Also the Auckland City Mission actively work with other agencies to give support to the homeless people. This organisation provides a Drop-In service open all year round providing hot drinks and donated food. Dianne Robertson who works for the organisation appeals to the public to donate not only food but money to help the fund the mission. This is a way where we as New Zealand citizens can help make a difference to not only the lives of the homeless on Queen St, but throughout New Zealand.

(Image: google images)

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